Sunday, January 19, 2014

I'm supposed to post some art

I keep forgetting the purpose of this blog, to post art that I do. Hey. Well then, here's the mama to that other little encaustic piece 2 entries ago... 

"Intersections 01"- 2013, encaustic and oil on wood, 8"x8"

Saturday, January 4, 2014

2014, I welcome you.

I'm in hardcore purge mode regarding our belongings. We crave negative space in our home and I intend to satiate that craving. I've always been a teeny pack rat-ish though, so this is an exhausting, sometimes emotional, process for me. I'm not a hoarder, but I'm still amazed by my ability and willingness to hang on to STUFF. As I type this though, I have 6 giant garbage bags full of items to donate. We've also managed to get rid of 4 pieces of furniture lately. Plenty more to do, but we are on our way and have momentum on our sides!

Quote me, please.