Thursday, December 5, 2013

Clean Slate for 2014

Clean Slate! I, once again, had poor follow-through with an art challenge. I think that due to my ISFP personality, any constraints I put on myself automatically feel like shackles and I rebel. But, blogging is all about self-discovery, and with that being said I DO want to continue putting art out there to be seen... Even if my readers are few and far between. The very act of exposing myself in this way is a good exercise for me because I am shy and reluctant to put myself out there in any way, Again, another of the ISFPs traits. I'm taking my Myers Briggs personality assessment seriously this year as a way to seek that self-understanding we all inherently desire. 

So, you will see some art and some words here, but nothing terribly regimented, because I need to honor my Perceiver's desire to be random and free!  I'm actually planning on honoring my various personality traits this year instead of trying to change myself constantly! This should be different! 

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